PT KAL Conducts Training for Milkfish Breeding and Provides Support for Woof

palm oil magazine

PALMOILMAGAZINE, KETAPANG – In order to enhance the well-being of the local population and foster economic opportunities in the vicinity of PT Kayung Agro Lestari (KAL), a subsidiary of PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk. (ANJ), located in the District of Ketapang, West Kalimantan Province, the company conducted training programs on milkfish breeding within a silvofishery mangrove system.

To support these efforts, PT KAL organized a series of technical training sessions and provided alternative materials. Collaborating with the Fishery and Food Security Agency of the Ketapang District, which delivered the training content, the event took place on Thursday, October 19th, at the Mangrove Center Village of Kuala Satong.

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As in the official statement to, Friday (27/10/2023), it prioritized silvofishery mangrove which was a aquaculture system that would enable the farmers do others without damaging mangrove ecosystem.

Also Read : KAL Prevents Forest and Land Fires Through Multi-stakeholder Collaboration

Head of Village of Kuala Satong, Saipol Abidin said that PT KAL positively initiated it by involving the villagers of of Kuala Satong where mangrove grows much there. The combination of milkfish breeding and mangrove plants would be the right solution to escalate the villagers’ economy there. He also hoped the program could successfully be developing.

Head of Cultivation Fishery, Fishery and Food Security Agency District of Ketapang, Iwan Kurniawan focused on milkfish supply in the district by hoping that Village of Kuala Satong would have mainstay product in fishery sector.

General Manager KAL, Dadi said that the company is always committed to support economic programs to escalate the villagers’ income around where the company operates. The activity was one realization that PT KAL supported in the regional government’s program to realize the vision – Desa Mantap dan Terdepan (MAPAN). Besides, silvofishery mangrove system has been implemented to promote sustainable fishery practices. (T2)

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