PALMOILMAGAZINE, MAKASSAR – A case involving the unauthorized cultivation of limited production forest (LPF) areas in the Village of Mantadulu, Subdistrict of Angkona, District of Luwu Timur, South Sulawesi Province is set for trial. The primary suspect, AM (aged 40), faces legal action for cultivating LPF without the necessary permit. This case came to light when prosecutors in the South Sulawesi Prosecutor’s Office gathered evidence on October 3, 2023.
Before this, on June 18, 2023, the Environment and Forestry (EF) Law Enforcement Team in Sulawesi discovered a yellow excavator (Komatsu PC 200) within the LPF areas. It was suspected to have been used in the illegal development and cultivation of approximately ten hectares of palm oil plantations.
After having investigation, the team successfully identified that the landlord, AM (40) was stated as the suspect on 28 July 2023. The investigator of the team suspected that AM violated Chapter 78 Article (3) Juncto (Jo) Chapter 50, Article (2) letter “a” Indonesian Laws Number 41 / 1999 about Forestry which has been substituted to be Chapter 36 number 17 and number 19 Indonesian Laws Number 6 / 2023 about The Establishment of Government Regulation in lieu of Law Number 2 / 2022 about Cipta Kerja within criminal threat maximally five (5) years and or maximal fine Rp 7.500.000.000,-.
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Head of Law Enforcement of Environment and Forestry in Sulawesi, Aswin Bangun emphasized that Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEF) is committed to get law enforcement from the case to protect environment and forest regions in Indonesia.
Bangun also told that this is also a warning for others that still do activity without permit in forest regions particularly in Sulawesi because illegal activity would damage the forest and environment and deliver losses for the country and impacts for the people.
“The success in solving the case happened for the good cooperation and synergy among Law Enforcement EF in Sulawesi, South Sulawesi Attorney, Malili Prosecutor, South Sulawesi Police, and Luwu Timur Police,” Bangun said. (T2)