West Sulawesi Launches SRP to Boost Welfare and Productivity

palm oil magazine
Illustration of oil palm plantation replanting. Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Aprilia Goverty

PALMOILMAGAZINE, MAMUJU – The West Sulawesi Provincial Plantation Agency is committed to improving the welfare of smallholders through the Smallholders Replanting Program (SRP). This initiative aims to boost both the production and productivity of smallholder plantations, ultimately enhancing their livelihoods.

Herdin Ismail, Head of the West Sulawesi Plantation Agency, stated that the program is the government’s strategy to optimize smallholder plantations in the province. To ensure the success of the SRP, the agency conducted a socialization event on palm oil plantation physical assessment.

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The event involved a team from the Pendamping Kemajuan Fisik (PKF) and representatives from the three main palm oil-producing regions: Mamuju, Mamuju Tengah, and Pasangkayu.

Also Read: SRP Fund for 3,250 Hectares in 3 Districts of West Sulawesi

The socialization took place in Pasangkayu Regency and featured speakers from the General Directorate of Plantations at the Ministry of Agriculture, who discussed the latest circulars on plantation physical assessment. Additionally, a representative from the Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (PPKS) Sulawesi provided insights on best practices for cultivation.

Plantation physical assessment would be the important part in SRP. The goal would be about to evaluate and know the success of palm oil plantations that would be in 36 months. The assessment would cover some aspects, such as, the health of plantations, the growth, the productivity. Everything would be significant to get fund from Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (POPFMA) in Ministry of Finance.

“One main focus of us would be about to increase the plantation productivity. The minimal standards in fresh fruit bunch production should be 3,5 kilogram per bunch,” Ismail said, as Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from Antara. In the second day of the socialization, the participants did field practices in the Village of Bajawali, Regency of Pasangkayu. The result showed that the fresh fruit bunch would be more than the minimal standards. Some even reached eight kilogram per bunch.

The success would be the positive indication that SRP in the province would qualify not only the numbers but beyond the expectation. Ismail hoped the socialization would reinforce the team’s capability and plantation cultivators to get plantation physical assessment accurately and confirm the success and sustainability of SRP program in the regions (P2)

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