Promoting Palm Oil Plantation Governance in Indonesia through Self-Reporting via Siperibun

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawait Fest 2021 / Rico Aldiyanto

PALMOILMAGAZINE, MEDAN – Following the successful socialization in Central Kalimantan Province, the government’s effort to promote self-reporting among planters through the Sistem Informasi Perizinan Perkebunan (Siperibun), the Ministry of Agriculture, specifically the General Directorate of Plantation, carried out another round of socialization. This time, it took place in Medan, North Sumatera Province.

Director of Plantation Outcome Marketing and Process, Prayudi Syamsuri said, the government keeps trying and being committed to improve palm oil plantation/industrial governance in Indonesia, such as, having online self-reporting for planters through Siperibun.

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Prayudi also reminded the planters should be proactive to get self-report through Siperibun that has been starting since on 3 July 2023 to 3 August 2023.

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“Siperibun is ready to be the portal of report and support to improve palm oil plantation governance. In the execution, of course, it needs monitoring and supervision from the province and district governments because the improvement could not stand alone. It needs collaboration to get better governance in the future and palm oil (products) from Indonesia would increase the production, be more sustainable, compete, and whole data would be gathered accurately,” he said, as quoted from the official page of Ministry of Agriculture, Friday, (14/7/2023).

He continued, actually, it started in 2016 to improve palm oil governance through Gerakan Nasional Penyelamatan Sumber Daya Alam (GNPSDA) that Corruption Eradication Commission did together with related ministry/institution and regional governance.

“The implementation of GNPSDA was about to get and develop palm oil plantation database, and got palm oil map and data of the smallholders’ plantations, palm oil plantation management (improvement) and revenue optimization from palm oil sectors. The recommendations in GNPSDA were sistem informasi perizinan perkebunan (Siperibun) as database portal and monitoring permit governance,” he said.

Prior Chairman of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA), Eddy Martono said, his organization would support the government. The members of IPOA would improve their data right in the support.

“Siperibun is hoped to get deliver and get the right data to get better policies,” he said to, by the early of July 2023. (T2)

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