423 Palm Oil Companies Commit to Eliminating Child Labor

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Palmoilmagazine.com, JAKARTA – On the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour (WDCL) observed on Monday, June 12th, 2023, the Ministry of Labor organized an event titled “Palm Oil Plantations Are Free from Child Labor to Realize Indonesia’s Child Labor-Free Status.”

The event took place online from Hotel Pangeran Pekanbaru in Riau Province. It was attended by various officials from the Ministry of Labor, regional governments, companies, child activists, civil organizations, labor organizations, non-government organizations, and stakeholders’ associations.

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Chairman in Human Resource Development Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA), Sumarjono Saragih said, IPOA runs some initiatives to promote sustainable palm oil by having responsible labor practices. “In the global term, it is decent work. Together with its partners, IPOA pubished ‘Buku Panduan Praktis dan Praktik Baik ‘Sawit Indonesia Ramah Anak’,” he said to Palmoilmagazine.com, Monday (12/6/2023).

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Saragih also confirmed that every IPOA member obeys every regulation in child labor as it is regulated in Laws Number 13 / 2003 about Labor. “In the reverse, IPOA gets initiatives to deliver guidance practice to every planter so that Indonesia would fulfill sustainability standards in a whole,” Saragih who is also as Chairman-Founder WISPO.ID – Worker Initiatives for Sustainable Palm Oil, said.

In his speech, Director of Labor Norm Inspection Development Ministry of Labor, Yuli Adiratna delivered special appreciation for IPOA as one of stakeholders’ associations. IPOA has very strategic roles and initiatives to promote sustainable palm oil by having no child labor practices.

“IPOA plays strategic roles and encourages good practices about child protection, respect, and rights fulfillment. Buku Sawit Indonesia Ramah Anak would be effective and useful to get campaigns and promotion widely to every planter,” Yuli Adiratna.

In the plan, Ministry of Labor also told that 423 palm oil plantation companies are committed written on paper that palm oil plantations are free from child labor. The companies are in 88 companies and 17 provinces in Indonesia. (T2)

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