PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – As per Circular B-347/KB.410/E/07/2023 issued by the General Directorate of Plantation, the implementation of Facilitation for Community Plantation Development (fasilitasi pembangunan kebun masyarakat or FPKM) is structured into three distinct phases. Phase 1 involves plantation companies with a plantation business permit issued before February 28, 2007.
Phase 2 encompasses plantation companies with permits issued after February 28, 2007, until November 2, 2020. Lastly, Phase 3 includes plantation companies with permits obtained after November 2, 2020.
According to the circular, plantation companies that have established partnerships through PIR-BUN, PIR-TRANS, PIR-KKPA, or other forms of plasma partnerships are deemed to have fulfilled FPKM requirements and are not obligated to undergo re-evaluation.
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Plantation company that has not implemented partnership form through PIR-BUN, PIR-TRANS, PIR-KKPA or other plasma partnership forms, is obliged to conduct productive business for the people around based on the agreement between plantation company and the people around that governor, regent/mayor approved through their authority.
Meanwhile plantation company that has not implemented FKPM, could conduct productive business by referring to Chapter 7 RMA Number 18 / 2021 about Plantation Development Facilities for People around
Of course, for it is difficult to get plantation areas, the FPKM obligation would consider every available area, numbers of families around that are worth being participants and agreement between plantation company and the people around and head of agency(ies) in province or district/city in plantation sectors approved according to their authority.
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That is why if there is no area to get FPKM implementation according to the location in permit coverage, productive business would be done according to the agreement between plantation company and the people around and approved by head of agency in province or district/city in plantation sectors according to their authority.
“Available and unavailable areas to get FPKM implementation should be proved by information from head of agency in province or district/city in plantation sector according to their authority,” Chairman of Palm Oil Cultivation Group, Directorate of Palm Oil and Various Palm, General Directorate of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture, Togu Rudianto Saragih said. (T2)