PALMOILMAGAZINE, SIAK – In an urgent reminder of the need to manage human-wildlife conflicts, a Sumatran tiger attacked and killed 43-year-old Yasonia Zega in Siak Regency, Riau Province. The incident occurred at the palm oil plantations of PT. SAS on Tuesday night (16/7/2024).
Zega had left the PT. SAS camp to relieve himself when his friend, Ilham Sinaga, heard his screams for help. Rushing to the scene, Sinaga saw a tiger dragging Zega into the plantations. Sinaga called for assistance, but unfortunately, they found Zega’s body 20 meters from their camp, bearing numerous injuries.
Siak Police Chief AKBP Asep Sujarwadi noted that the geographic conditions and lack of cellular signal in the area pose significant challenges in responding to such incidents. Furthermore, the location is known to be a habitat for many active Sumatran tigers.Sub district of Sungai Apit and local police immediately asked for help from Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BBKSDA) Riau. The official finally took the victim from the camp to division office of PT. SAS on Wednesday morning (17/7/2024).
Also Read: Sumatran Tiger Appears in Palm Oil Plantation in Riau
“On Wednesday morning at about 10.00 a.m., the victim was taken from the camp to the division office of PT. SAS,” Asep said.
As quoted from Kompas, Friday (19/7/2024), the local police suggested every labor not to active outside of the camp at night and should work in group. Besides, the company should multiply lights and escalate monitoring for its workers/labors.
The tragic incident meant that it would be important to be harmonious between man and the wild. It needs concrete things to minimize conflicts that would harm no more in the future. It needs to deliver education and mitigation to maintain man’s safety and conserve Sumatran tigers that are in danger. (P2)