Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil Proposes Eight Recommendations for Prabowo-Gibran’s Energy Transition

Palm Oil Magazine
The Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil untuk Transisi Energi Berkeadilan has submitted eight key recommendations for the first hundred days of the Prabowo-Gibran administration. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil untuk Transisi Energi Berkeadilan has submitted eight key recommendations for the first hundred days of the Prabowo-Gibran administration.

These proposals aim to enhance economic progress by accelerating the energy transition, aligning with the inclusive and green economic vision outlined in Asta Cita.

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During a discussion facilitated by the Katadata Insight Center (KIC) with Tim Pertumbuhan 8% Prabowo-Gibran, the coalition emphasized the need to prioritize renewable energy over newer, less sustainable options such as nuclear, coal downstream, carbon capture technology, and natural gas, which they believe are inefficient and detrimental to the environment.

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The coalition also stressed the importance of policy evaluation, revising national energy policies, and drafting new legislation for renewable energy.

“Energy transition has the potential to create over one million green jobs by 2050 and drive environmental and economic progress,” said Indra Sari Wardani, Program Director of Koalisi Indonesia, in a statement to Palmoilmagazine.com on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Sari added that accelerating the energy transition would not only boost the economy but also promote green economic growth.

The coalition also proposed the (new) government should immediately formulate the early pension road map of steam powerplant and prepare social guarantee network for the people that would get the impacts.

Agung Budiono, Executive Director of CERAH said that the early pension of steam powerplants could deliver economic impacts significantly for Indonesia, as the latest findings about the economic impacts from some main steam powerplants that were projected to increase gross domestic products up to Rp 82,6 trillion.

Tunggal Pawestri, Execuive Director of Humanis Foundation said that it would be significant to notice the vulnerable people, for instance, the labors and communities that depended on steam powerplants. “The policy in social guarantee, trainings, and creating new employment should be integral parts of the transition,” Tunggal said.

The coalition also emphasized it would be important to deliver financing incentive to encourage renewable energy development in people – base. The program should also accelerate the energy independency in the local level.

Environment, social, and governance (ESG) aspects were proposed to be the main conditions in investment permits. Irfan Bakhtiar, Director of Climate and Market Transformation of Yayasan WWF-Indonesia said that the global scale – financial institution would closely assess ESG aspects when distributing the finance in a project. That is why it would need the strong protection to develop renewable energy.

The coalition said that it would be significant to evaluate the policies implemented in the era of President Joko Widodo, such as, biodiesel 50% (B50), and bioethanol 10% (E10). The coalition thought the programs would need evaluation from the support sides to support environment and social fairness.

Nadia Hadad, Director of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan said that palm oil plantation should not be developed anymore because the environment has hit the critical limits. Anggi Prayoga of Forest Watch Indonesia mentioned that biomass co-firing would extend the age of steam powerplant and accelerate deforestation.

The coalition also noticed it would be significant to publish carbon economic value that should have the strong social and environmental protection frame.

Raynaldo G. Sembiring, Executive Director of Indonesian Center for Environmental Law said that the close monitoring would be the need to make sure that carbon economic value would be transparently and accountably running.

Bhima Yudhistira, Executive Director of Celios closed the discussion by saying that the people should take parts in arranging and formulating the energy policy so the energy transition would deliver more sustainable future and fairer for every citizen of Indonesia. (P2)

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