PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Director of Plantation Product Marketing and Processing, Prayudi Syamsuri, stated that the implementation of Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) currently covers only 35.6 percent. As of April 2024, 1,077 planters have successfully obtained ISPO certificates.
This includes 80 government-owned plantation companies managing a total area of 390,834.71 hectares, 909 private plantation companies cultivating approximately 5,392,992.41 hectares, and 88 smallholders with a combined area of about 59,717.88 hectares.
“Palm oil plantations certified by ISPO laid on about 5.843.544,89 hectares or equal to 35,67% of the total palm oil plantation canopy based on the Decision of Minister of Agriculture Number 833 / 2019,” Prayudi said in a workshop with the theme “Best Practices Perkebunan Berkelanjutan Berbasis Pendekatan Yurisdiksi” that Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit and Yayasan Kaleka conducted, Thursday (20/6/2024) in Jakarta that attended.
ISPO is palm oil plantation business system which is economically worth and paying attention in social, cultural, and environmental aspects, just like the available regulations. The assessment of ISPO principles and criteria adjustment would be conducted by ISPO certification institutions which are independent.
To escalate the numbers of companies and plantations to get ISPO would show the commitment of plantation industries in Indonesia to go forward heading to better, and sustainable practices. This would be the positive to support sustainable environment and local welfare in these industries though the implementation is slow still. (T2)