PALMOILMAGAZINE, ACEH – Gampong Tanjong Seureikuy in Pirak Timur and the Village of Aleu Leukot in Paya Bakong are now officially registered as members of the Asosiasi Desa Berbasis Sawit Indonesia (Adesi).
This follows the issuance of President’s Instruction Number 6/2019 concerning the National Action Plan for Sustainable Palm Oil (RAN KSB) and the establishment of Adesi, which was facilitated by the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration in 2023.
However, Keuchik Jamuluddin Abd Hamid of Gampong Tanjong Seureikuy highlighted the village’s need for assistance through the corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs of PT Bapco, the palm oil plantation company operating in their area. “We urgently need help to rehabilitate our infrastructure, such as the roads in our village,” he told on Friday, June 21, 2024.
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Jamuluddin also emphasized that there was lack of attention in Gampong even though the area is next to palm oil plantations where PT Bapco operates and should be actually developed by the company.
“The ways in our village have been restricted by trench that PT Bapco dug. We are afraid that the ways would get slide, namely when it is in heavy rain,” he said.
Besides infrastructures, he hoped that the company would deliver CSR helps for other public interests. “For all these years, the ways in the village were passed by the workers of PT Bapco to go to work and back from work. We just want that PT Bapco would deliver CSR helps every year for our village, and provide employment for the villagers,” he said.
Keuchik also mentioned that the villagers of Gampong now understand more about regulations in plantation, labors, including the Laws Number 39 / 2014 about Plantation and Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Number 11 / 2020. He hoped the company would approach, pay attention and make discussion about their responsibility.
Keuchik Gampong Aleu Leukot in Sub district of Paya Bakong also complained the same. Though the sub district is next to PT Bapco, the villagers thought they were not being considered by the company. “PT Bapco might not pay attention for us. Many infrastructures should be constructed, including the ways and drainage,” Keuchik Aleu Leukot said.
The fund from the village is restricted in every year. There should be allocation for infrastructure development, bantuan langsung tunai, the fund to deal with stunting, food security. These made the villagers need CSR supports from the company. “We just want that PT Bapco fulfills their CSR help. Not more than that,” Jamaluddin said.
For Gampong Tanjong Seureikuy and Aleu Leukot have been registered as Desa Berbasis Sawit Indonesia, it is hoped there would be increasing cooperation among the government, the plantation companies, and the villagers to realize sustainable and inclusive development in palm oil sectors. (P2)