Icons of Babel: Palm Oil and White Pepper

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Palmoilmagazine.com

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Kepulauan Bangka Belitung (Babel) has gained fame as a prominent producer of pepper and palm oil in Indonesia. The development of these two commodities has been substantial and has the potential to significantly boost the province’s economy. However, to solidify their position as economic pillars, support and investment are essential.

White pepper and palm oil are abundantly available in Babel Province, and it is no surprise that the region is recognized as their original source. Moreover, both commodities are renowned for their exceptional quality in Babel.

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It is normal if white pepper and palm oil would become one sector that contributes to escalate the people’s economy in the province. They are the mainstay (of economy) for most of farmers and smallholders in District of South Bangka.

According to data, for instance, pepper could be produced up to 32.352 tons in every year with its productivity about 1.282 kg/hectare. Palm oil plantations keep developing in the province. The total palm oil plantations in Babel laid about 75.734,17 hectares with smallholders’ production up to 141.452,28 tons in total. The productivity could be about 2,68 tons of crude palm oil (CPO) per hectare per year.

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Though the two have chances to be developed more, there are some issues to face, for instance, price fluctuation, plant pests, illegal mining, expensive fertilizers, introduction of other plantations that could disturb palm oil and white pepper plantations. Every issue would have something to do with the production.

That is why it needs to do some so that Babel Province could become palm oil and white pepper central production. There would be lots of advantages to get particularly in economic sector.

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