- As part of its 18th anniversary celebration on May 17, 2024, AXA Financial Indonesia organized a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program through the AFI Berbagi program.
- In this AFI Berbagi program, residents of Kedung Dalem Village in Tangerang Regency will receive financial literacy and waste management education from June to August 2024.
- AXA Financial Indonesia continues to empower Indonesians to have a better life.
Tangerang, 24 May 2024 – AXA Financial Indonesia (AFI) celebrates its 18th anniversary by realizing its commitment to provide the best protection and services to the community through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, AFI Berbagi. In collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, AXA Financial Indonesia seeks to increase the capacity of the community in Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang Regency, Banten Province, with knowledge sharing activities that include financial literacy and household waste management.
Niharika Yadav, President Director of AXA Financial Indonesia, explained, “AFI Berbagi is a concrete proof of our commitment in implementing sustainable programs that are beneficial and have a good impact on the community. Through this series of activities, AXA Financial Indonesia invites employees as volunteers to jointly strive to empower Indonesian people so that they can improve their quality of life for the better. Not only do we provide training on how to manage household finances more wisely, especially how to protect themselves from loan sharks, but also how to preserve the environment in which they live through sustainable waste management.”
Based on data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), online loans in Banten province in January 2024 ranked fourth compared to other provinces.
2024 ranked fourth compared to other provinces. The value of online loans for Banten residents reached Rp 5.04 trillion, or 12 percent higher than the same period in the previous year of Rp 4.511 trillion. The bad credit rate reached 2.40 percent, or in other words, 3 out of 100 pinjol users in Banten province experienced default[i].
In addition, Tangerang Regency was also recorded as the region with the largest volume of waste in Banten Province in 2022 at more than 841 thousand tons or 32 percent2[ii] of the total volume of waste in Banten Province. During the Idul Fitri celebration in April, Tangerang Regency recorded a waste volume of 3,000 tons per day with an increase in waste volume of up to 500 tons per day compared to normal days. Most of the waste generated comes from household waste3[iii].
Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, said “As part of a Global NGO, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is expanding its interventions by conducting training to the local community.
low-income communities to be more independent, empowered, and prosperous. Therefore, we welcome the collaboration with AXA Financial Indonesia through its financial literacy education program which will be very helpful for Kedung Dalem Village residents to learn and understand how to manage household finances and understand the importance of protecting the environment through household waste management.
The training material, which focused on housewives in Kedung Dalem Village, raised the topic of financial management provided by the AXA Financial Indonesia team, focusing on basic financial management such as how to distinguish wants and needs and household bookkeeping. In addition, briefings were also given on how to respond to online loans and introduce alternative official financial institutions to provide safer loans for the community. Meanwhile, education on waste management methods with the local community health center includes the initial process such as containerization, collection, selection, and reuse to the final processing of waste by involving the community.
In addition to financial literacy and waste management training, residents in Kedung Dalem Village also received basic health check-up services from the AFI Berbagi program. This health checkup for elderly residents is the result of AXA Financial Indonesia’s collaboration with Hermina Hospital. A number of health checks carried out include checking blood pressure, blood sugar, and free consultation by a doctor.
The village where AXA Financial Indonesia’s CSR program was held was Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang Regency. Most of the villagers work as farm laborers or seasonal fishermen so that their income is uncertain. The village, which is only about 2 hours from Jakarta, has a population of approximately 6,0004[iv].
[i] https://bantenpro.co.id/utang-pinjol-warga-banten-tembus-rp504-trliun/
[ii] https://databoks.katadata.co.id/datapublish/2023/10/12/kabupaten-tangerang-daerah-dengan-sampah-terbanyak-di-banten-pada-2022#:~:text=If%20detailed%20by%20region%2C%20the%20total%20waste%20in%20that%20province.
[iii] https://banten.antaranews.com/berita/281955/volume-sampah-di-kabupaten-tangerang-capai-3000-ton-per-hari