China Has 359 Active Members in RSPO

palm oil magazine
Various RSPO-labeled products. Photo by: Pexel

PALMOILMAGAZINE, CHINA – Over the coming years, China is poised to take on a central role in advancing the cause of sustainable palm oil. The implementation of new policies reflects a serious commitment to addressing environmental impacts and enhancing governance within this sector.

Lin Hui, Associate Professor at the Institute of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, underscores the significant influence China wields globally, being one of the largest consumers and contributors to waste. With palm oil consumption being a major aspect of Chinese consumption patterns, there’s a growing awareness of environmental concerns, prompting China to increasingly focus on palm oil and other product-market transformations to bolster sustainable trade worldwide.

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“This reflects the commitment of China to participate in every action globally, such as, climate, tropical commodity, including palm oil, play its central roles in the agenda,” he said when being a speaker in RT2023 in Jakarta that attended.

Also Read: China’s Environmental Commitment: Signaling Sustainable Consumption through Green Regulations

Lin Hui also mentioned it is important to know that the policies would deliver positive consequences in sustainable palm oil application in China.

Since RSPO secretariat representative office was established in China in 2015, RSPO members escalated significantly. In 2023, more than 300 RSPO members actively participated in the country, consumed almost 500 thousand tons sustainable palm oil that covered hardly eight percent of the volume import totally.

According to RSPO, per 31 December 2023, RSPO members in China reached 359. The numbers consisted of 269 men as the supply chain men, 86 regular men, and 4 affiliation member men.

RSPO Impact Update 2023 revealed annual consumption of certified sustainable palm oil in China in 2022 almost reached 500.000 tons, or equal to 8,2% of palm oil consumption totally. This was the positive progress on market awareness and sustainable practices conducted by the companies. (T2)

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