1.223 Hectares of Plasma Smallholders of Asian Agri Would be in SRP

Doc. Sawit Fest 2021/Foto by Apriliagoverty

Palmoilmagazine.com, JAKARTA – Three (3) koperasi unit village of (KUD) the partners of Asian Agri did sign memorandum of understanding (MoU) about Smallholders Replanting Program (SRP) with Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) and the banks as fund distributors. It was running in Hotel Sari Pacific, Jakarta Pusat, Friday (9/6/2023).

The fund MoU in SRP for 3 KUD of Asian Agri would lay about 1.223,8 hectares, they are, KUD Sawit Mulia, Village of Intan Jaya, Sub district of Muara Papalik, District of Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi to get SRP for about 531,7 hectares; KUD Barokah, Village of Karya Mukti, Sub district of Maro Sebo Ilir, Jambi for about 425,9 hectares; and KUD Budi Sari, Village of Bukit Sari, Sub district of Maro Sebo Ilir, District of Batang Hari, Jambi for about 276,2 hectares.

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Director of Fundraising PFMA, Sunari said that SRP is one program in PFMA that would deliver important advantages for the country. “That is why the signing of MoU with 3 parties in the seventh phase, we would develop synergy among PFMA, banks, and KUD to accelerate SRP target that laid about 180.000 hectares,” he said, as Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from the official statement, Saturday (9/6/2023).

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Head of Partnerships Asian Agri, Rudy Rismanto said that SRP is one solution to make sure that the smallholders’ plantation production would be sustainable and maintain fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production optimal.

“That is why by having partnership program, Asian Agri would also intensively develop the plasma smallholders, from the preparation to productive plantations,” Rudy said.

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According to the company, Asian Agri with its SRP is about to help the plasma smallholders for they are doubtful and do not know about SRP. Asian Agri would also provide the Topaz which is the significant factor to optimize smallholders’ plantation productivity. (T2)

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