Jambi Vice Governor Expresses Support for Smallholders’ Well-being through Dumisake

palm oil magazine
Vice Governor of Jambi, Abdullah Sani, observed that from 2012 to 2022, palm oil plantations in Jambi recorded a remarkable 109% development, surpassing the growth seen in other plantations within the province. Photo by: palmoilmagazine.com

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Jambi Province as one of the largest oil palm producers in Indonesia, has experienced rapid development. The province has 1.23 million hectares of oil palm plantations, which places it as one of the top ten oil palm producers in Indonesia. Besides oil palm, Jambi also cultivates rubber, coffee, cinnamon, areca nut, and sugarcane.

Vice Governor of Jambi, Abdullah Sani, observed that from 2012 to 2022, palm oil plantations in Jambi recorded a remarkable 109% development, surpassing the growth seen in other plantations within the province.

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“Many palm oil plantations in Jambi are cultivated by the people or independent smallholders. The plantations laid about 60% of the total plantations in 2022,” Abdullah Sani said when inaugurating the 3rd Indonesia Palm Oil Smallholder Conference and Expo (IPOSC) with the theme “Optimalisasi Sawit Rakyat Sebagai Penghasil Devisa di Pusaran Tata Kelola Sawit Berkelanjutan”, that Palmoilmagazine.com attended, Tuesday (28/11/2023) in Jambi.

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He also mentioned, with the condition, palm oil plays very strategic roles to develop Jambi Province.

The province also followed up President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2018 about Rencana Aksi Nasional Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAN-KSB) by publishing Governor’s Instruction Number 1 / 2020 about Rencana Aksi Daerah Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan in Jambi Province in 2020 – 2024 as the way to escalate smallholders’ capacity and capability, get solution on area status and legal, advantage palm oil as new renewable source of energy to accelerate sustainable palm oil development in the province.

To support smallholders in Jambi, he also mentioned that the province launched Dumisake (Dua Miliar Satu Kecamatan) or two billion for one sub district. The program is for smallholders and areca nut farmers. They are about 25 groups that consist of 21 groups of palm oil and 2 groups of coconut, and 2 groups of area nut. “Each group consists of 20 men,” he said.

Each group would get one unit of three-wheeled vehicle, 5 units of pushcart, one unit of electric ‘egrek’, two units of manual ‘egrek’, two units of ‘egrek’ stick, 7 manual cuts, 6 units of electric sprayer, 1 unit of chainsaw, 4 units of grass-cutting machine. “Everything would be for the groups while the workers in coconut and areca nut would get helps such as, tools to peel coconut and areca nut,” he said. (T2)

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