Nehas Liah Bing Smallholders Lead Sustainable Palm Oil Initiatives

palm oil magazine
Nehas Liah Bing Smallholders Lead Sustainable Palm Oil Initiatives. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The smallholders in the village of Nehas Liah Bing have committed to becoming agents of change in palm oil plantation governance, ensuring it is both socially and environmentally responsible by protecting indigenous and village forests.

In Nehas Liah Bing, two types of protected forests have been designated in the village spatial plan: the Protected Indigenous Forest Wahea, covering 42,760 hectares and managed by the Lembaga Adat Desa Nehas Liah Bing, and the Village Forests, covering 3,124 hectares and managed by BumDes Nehas Liah Bing.

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The hamlet of Long Bau, within Nehas Liah Bing in the Muara Wahau subdistrict of Kutai Timur Regency, stands as a testament to the efforts of Koperasi Serba Usaha (KSU) Sawit Usaha Tani Sejahtera. This cooperative of independent smallholders is driving positive change toward sustainable palm oil plantation governance.

Also Read: RSPO Collaborates with Independent Smallholders in Riau to Promote Sustainable Palm Oil

Established in 2000 and officially permitted on February 2 of the same year, KSU Sawit Usaha Tani Sejahtera has embarked on a long journey. By joining the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the cooperative has reaffirmed its commitment to sustainable agricultural practices, delivering significant social and environmental benefits.

As quoted from the official page of Forum Petani Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan Indonesia (Fortasbi), RSPO certificate that the union achieved in 2022 took many advantages for the union itself and local people. By having cooperation with PT DSN Group, the union cultivates about 487 hectares and involved 157 members. The results were the smallholders got better in economy, the local communities got empowerment, public facilities were improved, and many realized to get sustainable practices.

One socially striking impact was the increasing service health quality by renovating health center in Dusun of Long Bau, Village of Nehas Liah Bing. The health cae that delivers immunization, health check for pregnant women, old men, and other people, becomes the foundation for the smallholders’ children and the local.

Not only that, KSU Sawit Tani Sejahtera also protects work accident risks for its members. By having RSPO credit fund, the union registered its members to Labor Insurance, delivered social guarantee in accident, disability, death, and pension plan.

Besides delivering welfare for its members, RSPO credit fund was also used to reinforce the environment sustainability, such as, making garbage spots in every gathering location in the smallholders’ plantations.(T2)

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