Jatmiko Santosa Officially Serves as Director of PalmCo

palm oil magazine
Jatmiko Santosa Officially Serves as Director of PalmCo. Photo : Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Enterprises, in conjunction with Holding Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero), has officially established Sub Holding PalmCo by merging PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) V, VI, and XIII into PTPN IV. This process involved the delineation of assets and liabilities from PTPN III (Persero) to PTPN IV.

Following the successful merger, Jatmiko Santosa has been appointed as the director, transitioning from his previous role as the Director of PTPN V, where he served for four years. Under his guidance, PTPN V achieved remarkable financial success in the company’s history by implementing various transformation programs, digitalization initiatives, decarbonization efforts, and replanting projects.

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Board of Directors of PalmCo consists of six members, they are Rizal Damanik, Ryanto Wisnuardhy, Ugun Untaryo, Hilda Savitri, Suhendri, and Irwan Perangin Angin. Rizal Damanik who was the Director of PTPN XIII is now the Director of Operational PalmCo; Ryanto Wisnuardhy who was the Director of PTPN VII in Lampung is Director of Commercial and Marketing PalmCo.

Also Read : PTPN V Strengthens Digitalization System in Preparation for PalmCo Establishment

Ugun Untaryo who has experiences in plantation sector and was a Senior Executive Vice President Business Support PT Indonesia Nabati Lestari is now as the Director of Strategy and Sustainability; Hilda Savitri, one female in the Board of Directors of PalmCo, is now the Director of Finance who worked at many offices in the Enterprises.

Suhendri, the former bos of PT SGN is now the Director of Human Resource and Information Technology; Irwan Perangin Angin, the former Director of PTPN II, would be with Jatmiko Santosa as Director of Institutional Relationship

Commissioner Board of PalmCo has been established. Dahlan Harahap is the Commissioner; Andi Wibisono and Fauzi Yusuf would be as Independent Commissioner; Arief Budiono and Arie Yuriwin would be as Members of Commissioner.

Also Read : PalmCo Four Subsidiaries Experience Production Growth: IPO Plans for Late This Year

Jatmiko Santosa said that the first phase of the transition would be about to develop solid foundation and confirming that the operational would run well. He mentioned the commitment to realize the targets until the late of next year.

Director of Holding Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero), Mohammad Abdul Ghani hoped that the new board of directors would conduct transition process and get integration wel in financial, system and operational aspects.

Ghani believed that Jatmiko Santosa and his team would realize the goals why PalmCo was established as the advance palm oil company, not only in on-farm but also in off-farm aspects to get downstream process, create values, and support sustainable renewable energy.

“Directors and commissioners that have been assigned, have incredible experiences to transform PalmCo to be the advance palm oil company, not only in on-farm but also in off-farm,” Ghani said, as Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from the official page of PTPN V, Friday (8/12/2023). (T2)

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