Kampoeng Laweyan Innovative Environmental Batik: Utilizing Palm Oil-Based Malam

palm oil magazine
Doc. InffoSAWIT

PALMOILMAGAZINE, SOLO – The Batik community in Kampoeng Laweyan is dedicated to preserving Indonesia’s cultural heritage. In partnership with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Kampoeng Laweyan has initiated an innovative program focused on batik production.

This collaboration aims to promote batik as a cultural tradition while introducing environmentally-friendly products to the market.

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Windrawan, Deputy Director of RSPO, emphasized that traditional batik materials are derived from petrochemicals, which are not environmentally friendly, as they are based on crude oil. This is why RSPO has taken the commendable step of introducing an eco-friendly malam (a substance used in the batik-making process) made from sustainable palm oil.

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The initiative is also about to promote the use of sustainable palm oil as alternative material to substitute petro-chemical material. “We hope that batik would be sustainable product because it was produced by using sustainable palm oil,” Windrawan said to Palmoilmagazine.com, Thursday (19/10/2023) in Solo.

Producing batik training involved Forum Kerjasama Batik Laweyan (FPKBL), researchers from Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), and Media InfoSAWIT. The collaboration would enable to combine traditional knowledge and scientific research, create various learnings.

By combining traditional skills and sustainable innovation, the project would protect cultural heritage and conserve the environment itself.

The project was supported by Media InfoSAWIT, news platform which is known to fight for sustainable palm oil industries. The news agency would provide the latest information and condition about palm oil batik development, confirm that the people would get the project development easily.

Update your latest information about Batik Sawit only in InfoSAWIT. News networking of Mitra Media Networks. (T1)

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