Indonesia Launches B50 Biodiesel Program: A Major Step Toward Energy Independence and Self-Sufficiency

palm oil magazine
Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman Launches 50% Biodiesel (B50) Program in South Kalimantan Province. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, BATULICIN – Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman officially launched the biodiesel program with a 50 percent blend, known as B50, in South Kalimantan Province. The event, held at the PT Jhonlin Agro Raya biodiesel mill in Batulicin, Tanah Bumbu Regency on Sunday (18/8/2024), marks a significant step toward energy independence for Indonesia.

This initiative is part of the country’s broader goal to achieve self-sufficiency in food and energy within the next five to ten years.

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In his speech, Minister Andi highlighted that the B50 program reflects a major vision supported by President Joko Widodo and future President Prabowo. “The integration of food and energy sectors has the potential to make a significant global impact. Indonesia is well-positioned to lead in both areas,” Minister Amran stated, according to an official statement to on Tuesday (20/8/2024).

Also Read: Minister of Agriculture Amran Sulaiman Supports Palm Oil Development to Downstreaming

According to data from the General Directorate of Plantation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia’s palm oil plantations span approximately 16.8 million hectares, producing 46.9 million tons in 2023. Since 2015, the government has introduced several renewable energy programs, including B15, B20, B30, and B35 by 2023. The launch of B50 and bioethanol (E10) represents the next phase in reducing Indonesia’s reliance on crude oil and fossil fuel imports.

‘The soft launching of B50 program would be very significant and strategic. This would be not only solution for Indonesia but also be the political power of economy for the world,” he said. He also emphasized that biodiesel prototype that was from 100% palm oil (B100) has been developed since 2019 even though it is limited to use. The government still prepares every aspect to implement B50 widely.

Amran also said it would be significant to prepare crude palm oil (CPO) supplies, infrastructures, and regulations. Together with Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource and other institutions, the government still get deeper studies to confirm B50 transition would be successfully running including the road test and roadmap.

Indonesia that produced 58% of CPO production in the world would have the big potential to take advantages on biodiesel as the source of alternative energy sustainably. Amran emphasized B5o would significantly deliver economic advantages, escalate the position bargaining of Indonesia in the globe.

The government would keep cooperating with the private sectors to confirm that CPO would always be available for the domestic needs and exports. Palm oil plantation development for energy sectors would be about to be implemented in the degraded areas so it would not deliver issues for industrial and food needs.

The soft launching was attended by some figures, for instance General Lieutenant (Ret.) Dr. Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin; Governor of South Kalimantan, Sahbirin Noor and others. Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman did test drive by using B50. The machine showed maximal performance. (P2)

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