Palm Oil ESG: A Key Contributor to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Muhammad Ridho Hardiansyah

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles have emerged as integral standards for assessing the risk factors of a company’s operations, extending beyond merely financial considerations. While a significant number of palm oil companies were initially unaware of ESG, its presence has catalyzed a significant shift in the operational landscape of palm oil companies in Indonesia.

This transformation in the palm oil industry has given rise to a more sustainable approach to cultivation, guided by a set of principled criteria. Numerous palm oil plantation companies have embraced this shift, incorporating practices such as eschewing burning in new plantings in favor of heavy machinery, cultivating superior seeds in efficient plantations to increase production yields, and adopting various environmentally-friendly initiatives.

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Sustainable practices have become part of palm oil plantation development itself. The sustainable practices derive from sustainable principles and criteria that are universally acknowledged. As the result palm oil plantations have become part of sustainable development goals (SDGs).

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As the development goals, SDGs cover many social and economic development issues. Sustainable development should face issues and challenges, such as, poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, sanitation, energy, environment, and social fairness.

SDGs should be realized in 2030. Many countries in the world agreed to encourage sustainable development based on human rights, gender equity, encouraging social, economic, and environmental aspects.

For information, SDGs is the commitment in the global and national scale to welfare the people through 17 same goals, they are, no poverty, no hunger, live healthy and welfare, qualified education, gender equity, clean water and proper sanitation, clean and affordable energy, decent work, economic development, industry, innovation and infrastructure, lack of fap, city and sustainable circumstance, responsible production and consumption, climate change management, sea ecosystem, land ecosystem, fairness and tough institution and partnership.

According to National Development Plan Agency, national development goals should be the priority to develop in national scale. That is why it needs synergic planned policies (to realize national development goals) from the provinces, districts, cities and should be harmonized through four pillars of development nationally, they are, social development and economic development, environmental development, and law and governance development.

Palm Oil ESG To Support SDGs Realization

To realize SDGs can be through palm oil sectors. They cover upstream to downstream ones. The upstream covers the plantations while the downstream covers derivative products of palm oil. That is why ESG aspects can be done by sustainable practices such as, consciously know principles to conserve environment, responsibility in social and in good governance.


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