PALMOILMAGAZINE, MEDAN – Referring to the results of the North Sumatra Province (North Sumatra) Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) price determination team for the period December 18-24, 2024, it has agreed that the price of North Sumatra palm oil FFB aged 10-20 years fell by Rp 115.37 / kg to Rp 3,717.24 / kg.
The following is the price of North Sumatra palm oil based on investigation from the North Sumatra Plantation Office
- 3-year-old palm oil IDR 2,894.74/Kg
- 4-year-old palm oil IDR 3,168.45/Kg
- 5-year-old palm oil IDR 3,352.47/Kg
- 6-year-old palm oil IDR 3,447.17/Kg
- 7-year-old palm oil IDR 3,479.33/Kg
- 8-year-old palm oil IDR 3,571.16/Kg
- 9-year-old oil palm IDR 3,629.41/Kg
- 10-20-year-old oil palm IDR 3,732.32/Kg
- 21-year-old oil palm IDR 3,724.46/Kg
- 22-year-old oil palm IDR 3,674.43/Kg
- 23-year-old oil palm IDR 3,637.27/Kg
- 24-year-old oil palm IDR 3,514.34/Kg
- 25-year-old oil palm IDR 3,404.28/Kg.
Meanwhile, the price of crude palm oil (CPO) was set at IDR 15,336.42/Kg and the price of palm kernel oil (CPKO) at IDR 11,500.54/Kg with a K index of 93.20%. (P2)