Kotawaringin Barat District Introduces RAD-KSB for Sustainable Palm Oil Governance

palm oil magazine
Illustration of oil palm plantation. Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Yayan Saputra

PALMOILMAGAZINE, KOTAWARINGIN BARAT – The Kotawaringin Barat District (Kobar) has demonstrated its dedication to achieving sustainable governance in the palm oil sector. On Tuesday (28/11), a gathering took place at the Agriculture Agency Hall in the District of Kobar, where participants convened for the kickoff meeting aimed at developing the Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Palm Oil (RAD KSB).

Representatives from USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR), local officials, and independent smallholders’ associations in the district were present.

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A key focus of the meeting was the establishment of a working group and formulation team for the RAD KSB in the District of Kobar. These teams will oversee the formulation processes outlined in the plan. The development partner, USAID SEGAR, actively supported this initiative by engaging in discussions about the formulation process, ensuring that the RAD KSB for the District of Kobar is completed as scheduled.

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As Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from the official page of District of Kobar, Head of Agriculture Agency District of Kobar, Wahyu Setiawan told that the formulation of RAD KSB is the obligation for the government to get strategic plans in sustainable palm oil development. It would cover big private and independent smallholders’ plantations. He also emphasized that the meeting would be the good one to evaluate the same results in sustainable palm oil development.

“The meeting would be the good moment to evaluate every sustainable development result that was achieved in sustainable palm oil plantations, and agreed that there are the same needs to realize sustainable palm oil plantation governance,” Wahyu said.

Meanwhile according to President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2019 about Rencana Aksi Nasional Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan, RAD-KSB in district level should be developed or adjusted with the guidelines from Ministry of Agriculture and integrate with five program components that were mandated in the instruction.

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Prior District of Kobar got RAD KSB formulation but it needed revision to be adjusted with the instruction. Besides, District of Kobar, USAID SEGAR, and smallholders’ group were preparing independent smallholders to qualify sustainability standards as regulated in Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

One participant from KUD Karya Tunggal Jaya in Village of Pangkalan Dewa, Jaka Suherman hoped that the meeting would support every smallholder to get their fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production would be sold and would escalate their welfare.

RAD KSB is the way of District of Kobar to maintain, facilitate to escalate palm oil plantation quality. The formulation would involve many parties, for instance, regional government, the vertical institutions, such as, agrarian affairs, national land agency, planters, associations, and government’s partners to develop palm oil plantations. (T2)

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