PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA Indonesia, where 63% of its total land is forested, has implemented proactive measures to ensure the sustainability of forest resources and enhance environmental quality.
The unwavering commitment of the Indonesian people forms the basis for guiding strategic initiatives, as demonstrated by the endeavors led by the General Directorate of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management (FPEM) within the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEF).
The General Directorate of FPEM plays a pivotal role in the effective management of forested areas. A key focus lies in expediting the legal status of forest regions, encompassing improvements in data transparency, the provision of comprehensive forest resource information, the elevation of governance quality at the landscape level, and the promotion of sustainable environmental management.
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According to Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Number 6/2023 and the Government’s Regulation Number PP 23/2021, forest regions were decided to be 125,766,896.3 hectares. By 2023, about 105,860,850.1 hectares had been successfully decided, and the rest, 19,906,046.2 hectares, would be accomplished in 2024. This reinforced the legal status of legal forest areas.
To get the sources of TORA (tanah objek reforma agraria) from the forest region, according to Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) in 2020-2024 and strategic plans of MEF in 2020-2024, 2,9 million of the target 4,1 million hectares have been realized. 1,2 million hectares; the rest would be accomplished in 2024.
As quoted from the official page of MEF, through the information system of forest natural resource monitoring (SIGAP-SIMONTANA), the General Directorate of FPEM claimed to have significantly decreased deforestation for years with corrective action by MEF and collaboration from every party. This showed a serious commitment to conserve the forests.
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SIGAP-SIMONTANA got the Bhumandala Award Kanaka (Gold) for two years in a row (in 2022 and 2023) and confirmed its significant roles in monitoring and conserving the forests.
In the context of environmental management, the General Directorate of FPEM keeps escalating its performance to protect and manage the environment. Environmental management instrument development, for instance, to accomplish rencana perlindungan and pengelolaan lingkungan hidup (RPPLH), environment inventory, daya dukung tampung lingkungan hidup on a national scale, provinces, eco-region maps, and environmental payment systems, reflected the commitment to improve environmental quality in this country.
By doing these concrete things, Indonesia showed up with the will to maintain sustainability in forest resources and escalate the quality of the environment for the next generation. The same efforts from the government, people, and related parties would be the successful key to a greener and more sustainable future. (T2)