Rejang Lebong Allocates Palm Oil Profit Sharing Funds for Plantation Data and Infrastructure

Palm Oil Magazine
Illustration of Palm oil plantation. Photo by: Sawit Fest 2021 / Yayan Saputra

PALMOILMAGAZINE, REJANG LEBONG – The Fishery and Agriculture Agency of Rejang Lebong Regency in Bengkulu Province announced that palm oil profit-sharing funds will be allocated to gather plantation data and develop agricultural infrastructure.

Amrul Eby, Head of the Fishery and Agriculture Agency, explained that these funds will be used to collect data on palm oil plantations and publish related cultivation documents.

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“Palm oil profit sharing that the agency got would be used to get plantation data and publish cultivation documents, while the other allocation would be about to develop smallholders’ way infrastructure that Public Work Agency Regency of Rejang Lebong would manage,” Amrul Eby said, as quoted from Antara, Sunday (25/8/2024).

Also Read: Preparation of Labor Data for Palm Oil Profit Sharing Protection Program in Lampung Province

Cultivation document publication would be one effort of the regency to realize sustainable palm oil plantations. It would be as the official documents to clarify that one plantation where a commodity is cultivated, has been officially regulated by the regency by a mayor or a regent.

In 2024, Regency of Rejang Lebong got palm oil profit sharing for about Rp 5 billion. The numbers were significant because palm oil plantations in the regency were not wide enough. Eby hoped the allocation from the central government would contribute to escalate palm oil plantation productivity in the future.

Central Bureau of Statistic Rejang Lebong revealed that by 2024, palm oil plantations in the regency developed in 15 sub districts and about more than 900 hectares. The smallholders’ plantations were in Sub district of Padang Ulak Tanding, Kota Padang, Sindang Beliti Ilir, Sindang Beliti Ulu, and Binduriang and being developed.

Sub district of Padang Ulak Tanding has the widest ones or about more than 600 hectares, after that, Sub district of Kota Padang, Sindang Beliti Ilir, and Sindang Beliti Ulu where palm oil plantations laid on about 100 hectares. Sub district of Binduriang has about 25 hectares. (P2)

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