Indonesia Deforestation Decreasing in 2021 – 2022 Needs Further Investigation

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Tari Mulyanah

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – It needs to appreciate that the government might successfully minimize deforestation numbers in fulfilling climate commitment. Madani Berkelanjutan encouraged every party to investigate the deforestation numbers and urged the government to deliver whole description about natural forests condition in Indonesia.

Executive Director of Madani Berkelanjutan, Nadia Hadad responded what the government claimed about deforestation numbers in the period. “The loss of natural forests could mean the loss of culture of our nation, namely in the local and indigenous level that live around and or in forest regions. Natural forests are crucial to realize the target of Indonesia in Forest and Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030 and Net Zero Emission 2060 or even faster,” she recently said as in the official statement to

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Besides, she also claimed that it is time for the government to deliver clear, real, and official data about the loss of natural forests in concession areas or the areas that were getting permits (to be plantations). According to the study of Madani Berkelanjutan about deforestation in 2020 – 2021, secondary natural forests were the most vulnerable areas that were in deforestation. The same study also showed that the widest loss of natural forests happened in forest areas particularly in production forests that had something to do with permits and concession.

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The permits and concession in cultivating natural forests in Indonesia were big in numbers. Madani Berkelanjutan studied that in 2020 – 2021, 62% of natural forests were loss in the areas that got permit and concession areas. The overlapping permits were difficult to reveal the areas that got permits or concession where the areas were the main factors to the loss of natural forests. The loss of natural forests also took place in area of interest food estate that got ‘red carpet’ in the regulation as national strategic project. This program is vulnerable to the new driver of deforestation. “The study of Madani Berkelanjutan showed that about 2.000 hectares of natural forests were lost in area of interest food estate in 2020 – 2021,” Nadia Hadad said.

She continued it needs to save the rests of natural forests. It is crucial namely for natural forests that got palm oil plantations, plantation forest, mining permits because the businesses tend to do new planting.

“If the natural forests within concession or permit get lost, Indonesia might fail to realize its climate commitment. The government should firmly announce to protect natural forests to accomplish the too late permits in forest regions, and should be transparent to reveal. Nowadays hidden process would increase the loss of natural forests because of the lack of public security,” Nadia said. (T2)

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