Unlocking Indonesia Potential for The Palm Oil-Cow Integrated Program to Reduce Beef Imports

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Palmoilmagazine.com / Joko Iriantono, Chairman of Gabungan Pelaku dan Pemerhati Sistem Integrasi Sapi-Sawit (GAPENSISKA), suggests that the country's extensive palm oil plantations, spanning approximately 16.34 million hectares, hold significant potential for implementing a palm oil-cow integrated program.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – As of now, Indonesia’s male population stands at approximately 275 million, making it the fourth-largest population in the world. Despite this vast number, Indonesia consistently imports beef each year, amounting to around 1.25 million cows.

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The issue of beef importation is a recurring topic of discussion annually. To address this matter, Joko Iriantono, Chairman of Gabungan Pelaku dan Pemerhati Sistem Integrasi Sapi-Sawit (GAPENSISKA), suggests that the country’s extensive palm oil plantations, spanning approximately 16.34 million hectares, hold significant potential for implementing a palm oil-cow integrated program.

Joko thought, if 25 % of palm oil plantations implements palm oil – cow integrated program, beef imports would have solution. “In the economic crisis in 2022, Indonesia got exchange from palm oil plantation products up to Rp 600 trillion,” he said, as Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from Whatsapp Group Gapensiska, Thursday (20/7/2023).

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It means, palm oil – cow integrated program could reduce beef imports. “It would save the exchange to beef imports besides fulfilling beef nationally,” he said. (T2)

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