MEF Takes Action to Seal 11 Fire Location in South Sumatra Palm Oil Plantations

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry's (MEF)

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Ardy Nugroho, the Director of Administration, Sanction, and Supervision at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEF), remarked while overseeing the sealing of several fire sites in South Sumatra that MEF had taken action to seal 11 fires in the province’s forests and areas.

They are PT.KS (±25 hectares (Ha)), PT. BKI (±200Ha), PT. SAM (±30 Ha), PT RAJ (±1.000 Ha), PT. WAJ (±1.000 Ha), PT.LSI (±30 Ha), PTPN VII (±86 Ha). The others are in Village of Kedaton, District of Ogan Komiring Ilir (OKI (±1.200 Ha), PT.SAI (±586 Ha), PT. TPR (±648 Ha) dan PT. BHP (±5.148).

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“The numbers of sealed location could be more because the ministry keeps analyzing hotspot and satellite image data. “If we know the location in fire, we would send the team there,” he said, as in the official statement to resmo diperoleh, Friday (6/10/2023).

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In association with law enforcement to do, General Director of Environment Law Enforcement MEF, Rasio Ridho Sani said that according to the order of Minister Siti Nurbaya, MEF would take firm action about fire in the forests and areas. “We would address every firm action about fire in the forests and areas that MEF has authority both in administration, civil, and criminal sues,” Rasio said.

He also mentioned the fire keeps always happening and there would be administration sanction including permit revocation. We also discussed with legal experts and attorney to calculate environment damages and prepare civil claims on the environment damage to get deterrent effect.

Besides, there would be integrated law enforcement in criminal sue according to the Decision of Minister of Environment and Forestry, Police Chief and Attorney. It would involve team from the three institutions to process the criminal and would be immediately coordinated with Criminal Investigation Indonesian Policy, South Sumatera Police, prosecutors in public crimes, and South Sumatera Attorney.

The integrated criminal law enforcement would escalate effectiveness of law enforcement in the case of fire in the forests and areas, and deterrent effect. “Every corporate and people should seriously prevent and stop fire in the forest and areas. There would be a very hard sentence according to Chapter 108 Laws Number 32 about Environment Protection and Cultivation. The sentence would be 10 years in jail and fine about Rp. 10 billion. For the corporate, according to Chapter 119 Laws of Environment Protection and Cultivation, there would be additional sentences such as, the government would take every profit and the corporate should improve (the damages) because of its criminal. We warn that we would not stop delivering sentences to every criminal,” Sani said. (T2)

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