PALMOILMAGAZINE, BOGOR – From January 15 to 18, 2024, 59 students from the Plantation Production Management and Technology (PMT) Vocational School at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) actively participated in the Pembinaan Mental Fisik Displin (Bintalfisdis) organized by Detasemen Polisi Militer 1/Kostrad (DENPOM Divisi 1 KOSTRAD) in Bogor, West Java Province.
This program is a vital component of their scholarship-based development received from the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) for the academic year 2023/2024.
Ade Astri Muliasari, S.P., M.Si., Chairman of the Study Program MPT, along with Hidayati Fatchur Rochmah, S.P., M.Si., the MPT Secretary, emphasized that Bintalfisdis aims to instill in the students the necessary mentality, knowledge, discipline, physical strength, and skills essential for fulfilling their responsibilities as aspiring palm oil plantation assistants.
Letkol. Cpm Tri Bagja Saptapatriadi, S.H. (DADENPOM DIVIF 1 KOSTRAD) was the inspector of the ceremony on Monday, 15 January. Dr. Ir. Irmansyah, M. Si., representing the academy of IPB University Vocational School and Merry Gloria Meliala, S.P., M. Si., representing the lecturer of PMT attended it.
It was also attended by Agoes Soesilo Joko Purnomo, S. Pi.; Adi Nugroho, S.Pi.; Arifah Handayani, S.Pi., from Ikatan Alumni Menwa Mahawarman (IAM IPB), and representatives from Tim Asistensi Kaderisasi Satuan Resimen Mahasiswa (Menwa) IPB. Such participants delivered something that was full of diversity and full of experience and knowledge.
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As in the official statement to, during Bintalfisdis, the students got not only physical and discipline aspects but also would have chances to interact with the professional and practitioner in palm oil plantations. This would deliver valuable experience that is beyond class learning and would help the students to understand challenges they would face in the fields.
Through the collaboration between IPB University Vocational School and DENPOM Divisi 1 KOSTRAD, the activity successfully created touching learning situation, supported the students to develop their skill and knowledge needed to be the leader candidates in palm oil plantations. (T2)