Jambi University Celebrates 61st Anniversary with National Palm Oil Seminar

palm oil magazine
61st Dies Natalis, Universitas Jambi (UNJA) did a national scale – seminar with the theme “Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Melalui Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Secara Terpadu, Inovatif, Unggul, dan Berkelanjutan”. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, MENDALO – To celebrate its 61st anniversary, Jambi University (Universitas Jambi/UNJA) hosted a national seminar themed “Enhancing Community Welfare through Integrated, Innovative, Superior, and Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation Management.” The event took place at BW Luxury Jambi on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Prof. Helmi officially inaugurated the seminar, emphasizing its significant contribution to the development and reinforcement of sustainable palm oil cultivation in Jambi and across Indonesia.

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“The national seminar in the commemoration of the 61st Dies Natalis UNJA should contribute to scientific development and practice for the academy, and students, develop and reinforce sustainable palm oil cultivation in Jambi and Indonesia. It is hoped, there would be inputs for policy and knowledge for you sirs from smallholders’ groups,” Prof. Helmi said, as Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from the official page of UNJA on Tuesday, Tuesday (28/5/2024).

Also Read: UNJA Students Transform Palm Oil Midrib into Briquettes

Chairman of the 61st Dies Natalis UNJA committee, Prof. Ilham mentioned that the seminar covered many instances and communities in Sumatera Island. “This seminar is a series of many activities in Dies Natalis UNJA. Hopefully, it would be useful for us – the family of UNJA and the people in Jambi and out of Jambi Province,” Prof. Ilham said.

Chairman of seminar committee, Addion Nizor, Ph.D., said that the seminar would be the place to share ideas and innovation among the practitioners, industries, academy, researchers, non-government organizations, smallholders and the people in Indonesia. “The seminar would be about to escalate insight, knowledge, skills in academy and the place to share ideas and innovation. We do hope the seminar would deliver advantages to develop technology, latest ideas which are innovative and superior in palm oil sector to escalate the people’s welfare in Indonesia, particularly in Jambi,” he said.

Before the seminar got started, UNJA did sign memorandum of understanding with its partners. The seminar itself had focus group discussion, business matching, product expo and poster presentation that exhibited innovative and superior works from the lecturers and students of UNJA. (T2)

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