PALMOILMAGAZINE, SAMARINDA – The East Kalimantan Plantation Agency held a monitoring and evaluation meeting on palm oil plantation development with representatives from three regencies: Kutai Kartanegara, Kutai Barat, and Mahakam Ulu. The meeting took place at Hotel Bumi Senyiur on Thursday, June 13, 2024.
The aim was to assess the planters’ performance, ensure compliance with regulations, and encourage companies to meet their obligations.
Muhammad Arnains, representing the Head of the Plantation Agency, stated that the meeting aimed to enhance plantation performance and their contribution to the regional economy.
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Data presented at the meeting revealed that the Regency of Kutai Kartanegara has 53 large private companies (BPC) with location permits covering approximately 490,215 hectares, plantation business permits for 449,271 hectares, and business rights for 195,984 hectares.
In Kutai Barat, there are 40 BPCs with location permits for 562,355 hectares, plantation business permits for 473,053 hectares, and business rights for 282,663 hectares. Additionally, the region has 10 palm oil mills with primary plantations covering 156,867 hectares and plasma plantations covering 27,060 hectares.
In Regency of Mahakam Ulu, there were 11 BPC with the location permits about 150.573 hectares, plantation business permit about 138.760 hectares, and business rights about 59.202 hectares, 2 mills with main plantations about 22.878 hectares and plasma ones about 678 hectares.
In a whole, the meeting would be significant to make sure that every planter in the province would run their business well as same as every available regulation.
“The monitoring and evaluation result should escalate the plantation performance and their contribution to the economy,” Arnains said, as quoted from the official page of East Kalimantan Province, Wednesday (19/2/2024).
The province through the agency would be always committed to monitor and encourage palm oil plantation development to be always sustainable and fair.
The meeting was attended by about 50 participants. They were from plantation agencies, plantation companies of the three regencies and the speakers were from Land Agencies East Kalimantan Province, Agriculture Agency of Regency of Kutai Barat, and policy analyst of East Kalimantan Province Plantation Agency. (T2)