Tina Boru Rambe Embraces Daughter Behind Bars After Protesting Palm Oil Mill in Labuhanbatu

Palm Oil Magazine
Tina Rambe with full of emotion when meeting her daughter behind the bars. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, LABUHANBATU – Attention has been drawn to the situation in Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatera Province, where local residents have protested against the establishment of a palm oil mill. Gustina Salim Rambe, known as Tina boru Rambe, has been detained since May 20, 2024, for allegedly clashing with police during the protest against the PT Pulo Padang Sawit Permai (PPSP) mill.

She remains in custody, awaiting trial. The case has gained significant public interest following the viral spread of a distressing video on social media, showing boru Rambe, still in jail, embracing her young daughter through the bars. The video was first shared by the Instagram account @rina.senjaa1 on Thursday, 5 September 2024.

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She emotionally met her little daughter. Full in tears, boru Rambe should embrace hers that gave support. Even though in hard times, she calmed her daughter and said, “Nanti kita pulang nak ya, jalan-jalan, jangan sedih.”

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Many watched the moment. Some questioned how a woman that should fight for the environmental rights, became a suspect for fighting with the legal officers. The action could be the symbol of the society to fight palm oil mill that could threaten their environment.

As Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from Suara.com, Head of Public Relation Unit, Labuhanbatu Police, AKP Syafrudin confirmed that the case of boru Rambe had been taken to Rantauprapat Court and in wait to get trial. But he was reluctant to inform why boru Rambe should be arrested or what about her pre-trial case.

Boru Rambe was arrested with three students and two villagers when protesting and having demonstration on 20 May 2024. Hundreds of villagers of Pulopadang, Sub district of Rantau Utara did join to reject the mill’s operation of PT PPSP. The villagers rejected it because it operated around the villagers’ society and school. It is afraid, the operation would pollute the environment and the air.

The protest turned to be incident after a group of villagers blocked palm oil vehicle that wanted to get into the mill. The police should secure the protest for it made traffic jam. (P2)

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