BSIP Expedites Revision of Indonesia’s Palm Oil Standards Following Field Visits

Palm Oil Magazine
BSIP Expedites Revision of Indonesia's Palm Oil Standards Following Field Visits. Photo by:

PALMOILMAGAZINE, GORONTALO – The revision of Indonesia’s national standard (INS) for palm oil, as outlined in SNI 01-0002-1987, is being expedited. The Balai Standardisasi Instrumen Pertanian (BSIP) Palm Plants team has intensified its efforts to gather field data to inform the recommendations for this standard revision.

From September 10 to 12, 2024, the BSIP team visited palm oil mills and plantations in Bitung and Gorontalo Province. This visit aimed to consult with relevant parties and collect input to update the palm oil INS. The revision is crucial to ensure that the standards remain aligned with market needs and incorporate the latest scientific advancements, technologies, and innovations.

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Linda Trivana, Team Chairman of Program, Evaluation, and Result Dissemination, stated, “The revision will take into account the capabilities of smallholders and mills to meet palm kernel quality standards,” as quoted by on Monday, September 16, 2024. She added that the goal of the INS revision is to improve adherence to the standards across all stakeholders.

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Additionally, the revision will assess the feasibility and relevance of the INS in the current context, including adjustments for innovations in the palm oil sector and alignment with both domestic and international market demands.

The team of BSIP Palm Plant that involved in data collection did consist of some experts, such as, Dr. Patrik Pasang, STP, MT as the Chairman Team of Standard Adjustment Assessment and Test Service; Junior Expert of PMHP Yulianus Matana, SP, M.Si, and other members – Nugroho Utomo, Marthen Daleda, and Okta Aulia Noor Maajida, A.Md.

By the visit, it is hoped that the INS revision would be immediately accomplished and implemented and palm oil industries in Indonesia would compete in the global scale markets with the modern and adjustable standards. (P2)

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