IHSG fell 17.53 points, 8 palm oil stocks still rose up to 3.33% on Tuesday September 12, 2023

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Screenshot / The increase in palm oil share prices was led by JARR shares, which rose by 3.33 percent and was followed by seven other palm oil issuers.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – In stock trading on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX/BEI), the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 fell 17.53 points to 6,945.86.

IHSG level that fell, still encouraged a small portion of palm oil stock prices to increase their selling prices. Recorded as many as eight palm oil stock selling prices still experienced an increase in the selling price of their shares.

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The increase in palm oil share prices was led by JARR shares, which rose by 3.33 percent and was followed by seven other palm oil issuers.

Also Read : Palm Oil Stock Prices Rise by 4.59 Percent on Monday, September 11

Quoting from InfoSAWIT, the increase in the price of palm oil shares that still occurs in stock trading this Tuesday (12/9), comes from the strength of stock investors who choose to invest in palm oil shares.

Although it is still relatively small, the interest of stock investors refers to future palm oil business opportunities.

For information, the Elnino climate that occurs causes hot temperatures and less water rain. As a result, palm oil crop production is predicted to be less than last year.

The following is information on the selling price of palm oil stocks on Tuesday, September 12, 2023:

  1. JARR shares, or PT Jhonlin Agro Raya Tbk, rose 33.3 percent. The selling price of JARR shares is Rp. 155 per share.
  2. PNGO or PT Pinago Utama Tbk. shares, up 3.23 percent. The selling price of PNGO shares is Rp. 1,440 per share.
  3. JAWA shares or PT Jaya Agro Wattie Tbk. rose 2.70 percent. The selling price of JAWA shares is Rp. 76 per share.
  4. BWPT or PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk. shares, up 1.69 percent. The selling price of BWPT shares is Rp. 60 per share.
  5. TLDN or PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk. shares, up 0.88 percent. The selling price of TLDN shares is Rp. 460 per share.

The increase in the selling price of the TOP 5 palm oil stocks, also caused an increase in the selling price of other palm oil stocks such as DSNG, LSIP, and SMAR. Consecutively rose by 0.86 percent, 0.51 percent and 0.45 percent. (T1)

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