Cultivating Wellness and Prosperity: Musim Mas Women Smallholders Program in Palm Oil Communities

palm oil magazine
From left: Robert Nicholls, General Manager of Programs & Projects Plantation, Linda Wati, Women Smallholders Program - Project Leader Musim Mas, Dr. Putri C. Eyanoer, MS.Epi., Ph.D., Dr. Fotarisman Zaluchu, S.K.M., M.P.H. Photo by:

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Women Smallholders Program, an empowerment initiative for women farmers and wives of oil palm farmers who are assisted by Musim Mas in Riau province. The implementation of the inaugural program that ran from May to October 2023 in three districts in Riau was deemed successful, and the plan is to continue to be implemented in other regions in the coming year. Musim Mas also opens up collaboration opportunities for stakeholders who are interested in implementing this program.

Improving the welfare of independent oil palm smallholders is one of Musim Mas’ key pillars in its sustainability policy to improve living standards for Smallholders, Workers and Communities. Since 2015, the company has initiated a program to empower independent Smallholders by training them on sustainable plantation practices. This program has become the largest independent smallholder empowerment initiative in Indonesia, involving 42,900 smallholders in six provinces across Indonesia.

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According to Linda Wati, Women Smallholders Program – Project Leader, Musim Mas, in addition to Musim Mas’ commitment to continuously develop its independent smallholder empowerment program, we also see that women play an important role in the family and the sustainability of the palm oil industry. Therefore, the Women Smallholders Program was created to empower women farmers and farmers’ wives through various trainings that emphasize socio-economic aspects in order to maximize their potential.

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“So that they get the opportunity to contribute more to the family. From the survey of prospective participants that we conducted before the program started, the training modules that will be run are related to nutrition and family health, financial literacy, and home business opportunities,” Linda explained at the Women Smallholders Program event in Jakarta, Tuesday (12/12) attended by

The Women Smallholders Program started with a training on nutrition and family health. Musim Mas collaborated with two academics from the University of North Sumatra (USU), namely Dr. Fotarisman Zaluchu, S.K.M, M.P.H and Dr. Putri C. Eyanoer, MS.Epi, Ph.D, to implement a training program with material outlined in three modules: ‘Healthy Generation, Healthy Family’ which contains family nutrition; ‘Gold From the Womb’ regarding toddler nutrition and parenting; and, ‘Healthy Self, Healthy Surroundings’ which explains about clean and healthy living behavior.

This first training was attended by 500 women from three districts: Rokan Hilir, Rokan Hulu, and Pelalawan. Through three face-to-face sessions, with different materials, the training used a participatory, reflective, and interactive approach, combining modules with games, discussions, and participant activities. The goal was for participants to be able to remember the entire material to be used in behavioral practices independently after the training was completed.

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Prior to each meeting, participants also underwent a health check by recording their weight and height, blood pressure, blood sugar, uric acid and cholesterol levels. The six-week training program also uses behavioral mentoring methods using health calendars and whatsapp groups.

Known as a researcher, writer, trainer, and Lecturer at the Social Anthropology Study Program at FISIP USU, Dr. Fotarisman Zaluchu, S.K.M., M.P.H explained, seeing and knowing the background of participants who are mostly unfamiliar with health terms, we must be able to provide information that is easily understood by them.

“We developed a learning technique that is educational but fun, where the delivery of material is done dialogically, involves the senses, and arouses enthusiasm. We deliver the material according to the context of their daily lives, and from the beginning, explain the difficulties they will face. This learning model turns out to be fun for them,” said Dr. Fotarisman.

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According to the observation of Dr. Putri C. Eyanoer, MS.Epi., Ph.D., a researcher and consultant who is also a lecturer in the Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine USU, this program has the right framework by choosing mothers as the target trainees. The mother’s influence on the family can be seen by inviting her husband to live a healthy life, of course with all its limitations.

“The domino effect can only be obtained through a strong commitment to make it happen. Starting from inviting husbands to participate in applying what is obtained in the training, so that they can feel the benefits together, and through uploading in whatsapp groups, it can motivate other mothers and couples to do the program together,” explained Dr. Putri.

From the participant side, Roslina Tampubolon, a female farmer in Rokan Hilir District, Riau, said, “When I think about my child’s future, I want to be healthy. I completely overhauled my habits, and switched to eating healthy foods, so that now from waking up, I feel full of energy. I also share and encourage my family and friends to live a healthy life.”

Musim Mas is optimistic that the program can continue to be developed and implemented in other areas, given that it directly contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia, specifically Zero Hunger (number 2), Gender Equality (number 5), and Decent Work and Economic Growth (number 8). The expansion of the program can also be done by empowering female farmers or farmers’ wives who have received training to share with their family members or communities.

“After the training on nutrition and family health, we will next design training on financial literacy and home-based business opportunities. Therefore, Musim Mas welcomes all stakeholders who wish to collaborate, to improve the lives of independent smallholder families in Indonesia,” Linda concluded. (P3)

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