West Kalimantan Conducts Training on Palm Oil Cultivation and ISPO Certification for Smallholders

palm oil magazine
60 Bengkayang Independent Smallholders Engage in ISPO and Palm Oil Cultivation Training. Photo by: Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, PONTIANAK – The Livestock and Plantation Agency of West Kalimantan Province recently held training sessions for independent smallholders from the Regency of Bengkayang at Hotel Harris in Pontianak.

In his speech, Heronimus Hero, Head of the Livestock and Plantation Agency, emphasized that these trainings in cultivation techniques and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) standards aim to enhance the competence of smallholders in the region.

The training was funded by the Palm Oil Plantation Human Resource Development (POPHRD) and organized by LPP Agro Nusantara. Attendees included Dede Yudo Kurniawan of LPP Agro Nusantara, Eva Lizarmi from the POPHRD Secretariat, and Yulianus, Head of Agriculture and Food Security for Bengkayang Regency.

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Sixty independent smallholders, who are involved in the Smallholders Replanting Program, participated in the six-day training, which took place from August 5 to 10, 2024. This training follows a needs assessment conducted last year and focuses on effective palm oil plantation practices and ISPO certification for smallholders.

Heronimus Hero also hoped the training should escalate their plantation productivity in Bengkayang and would be the start of ISPO certification process for them. It is hoped they would escalate their plantation productivity and quality in the region sustainably. (P2)

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