Supports CSPO RSPO: Bali Soap would Purchase Credit from Smallholders in Certificate

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. / PT Bali Soap would be one thing to absorb sustainable palm oil production in Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certificate , the plan to purchase credits of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) from smallholders joining Asosiasi Pekebun Swadaya Kelapa Sawit Pelalawan Siak (APSKS-PS).

PALMOILMAGAZINE, BALI – PT Bali Soap would be one thing to absorb sustainable palm oil production in Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certificate , the plan to purchase credits of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) from smallholders joining Asosiasi Pekebun Swadaya Kelapa Sawit Pelalawan Siak (APSKS-PS).

Product Development Coordinator PT Bali Soap, Savitri Anggarati said, this could be one way to support sustainable palm oil production which derived from smallholders’ sustainable plantations.

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“Purchasing sustainable credit is one support for the smallholders,” Anggarati said to, Friday (17/3/2023) in Bali.

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PT Bali Soap’s purchase sustainable palm oil from smallholders is the support to environmental conservation, waste management, employers’ welfare, and community around palm oil plantations to realize sustainable palm oil production.

Savitri Anggarati also thought, as an honor for the independent smallholders’ collaboration and hard work based on RSPO principles and criteria, PT Bali Soap would send some products in RSPO certificates to them, deliver explanation about the collaboration which would be running.

Deputy Director Transformation Market RSPO, Mahatma Windrawan Inantha, said what PT Bali Soap would do to support smallholders, could be one example for other stakeholders.

“Synergy and collaboration among sustainable palm oil derivative stakeholders with smallholders could be the examples for the future sustainable palm oil,” Windrawan said. (T1)

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