RSPO Joins Forces with Hotels, Skincare, and Batik Producers to Embrace Certified Sustainable Palm Oil

palm oil magazine
Doc. / Mahatma Windrawan Inantha, RSPO Deputy Director of Market Transformation, Indonesia,

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) supply reached a new milestone of 15.4 million metric tons, while the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Trademark licenses have increased dramatically to more than 1,600 licenses in over 100 countries and regions, with growth seen in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, indicating huge opportunities in these markets. The RSPO Smallholder Support Fund (RSSF) has provided US$4.2 million to support 44,203 smallholders in 12 countries since 2013.

To increase the wider uptake of CSPO, RSPO is promoting by engaging with existing markets. Mahatma Windrawan Inantha, RSPO Deputy Director of Market Transformation, Indonesia, said that RSPO has collaborated with the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) of Bali and Yogyakarta, a skincare manufacturer, and palm derivatives such as Palm Wax for batik Malam.

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“The hotels are committed to using sustainable palm oil, from food to skin care products, in the future there will be hotels in Jakarta that will commit to the RSPO,” Windrawan said.

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For information, the Annual Roundtable Conference (RT2023) is a platform for joint action in addressing key challenges in the sustainable palm oil industry, including efforts to mitigate climate change, increase the use of certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO), protect labor rights, and facilitate the inclusion of smallholders in environmentally friendly supply chains in compliance with applicable international regulations. (T3)

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