PALMOILMAGAZINE, BOGOR – The existence of national oil palm plantations which reached 16.83 million hectares, requires replanting up to 2.8 million hectares until 2030. The need for rejuvenation of people’s oil palm will also involve communities of up to 1.4 million households.
According to SEVP II of PT Perkebunan Nusantara Research, Dr. Misnawi, the existence of oil palm plantations that are more than 25 years old, immediately requires oil palm replanting. Because, the existence of aging plants will have a negative impact on the productivity of their crops. In addition, the lives of oil palm farmers will experience great difficulties due to low income when oil palm plants decline in yield.
“Ideally, every year, oil palm replanting can be carried out on 400,000 hectares of the nation’s old oil palm plantations,” he explained.
Also Read: Growing rice as an intercrop in oil palm estates to secure food security
According to his data, by 2024, 2.8 million hectares of smallholder oil palm plantations will be more than 25 years old. Therefore, if the acceleration of smallholder oil palm replanting is carried out for 7 years, then an average of 400 thousand hectares of oil palm must be replanted each year.
For the Editor’s note, this calculation does not include recalculating the aging oil palm plantations after 2024. Because, almost every year, the existence of old oil palm plantations continues to grow.
In accelerating the Smallholders Replanting Program (SRP), a new initiative can also be carried out through Gogo rice intercropping, which has the potential to support national food security in the future. Palm oil support for the potential of upland rice intercropping was discussed in depth, in a National Seminar entitled “Potensi Intercropping Padi Gogo di Lahan Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat Untuk Mendukung Swasembada Beras,” on Tuesday (19/11) attended by
Furthermore, the potential of upland rice intercropping will continue to be researched together with IPB University and the Research Institute of Plantation Nusantara (RPN) in order to support the government’s joint efforts in food self-sufficiency. (P1)