PALMOILMAGAZINE, SEKADAU – On Monday, September 23, 2024, Regent of Sekadau, Aron, participated in Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification training at SMK Negeri Sekadau. The training aimed to enhance planters’ understanding of sustainable practices in the plantation sector.
During the event, Aron distributed 171,000 palm oil seeds to the planters as part of the regional government’s efforts to support the local economy in the plantation industry. He expressed hope that these seeds would have a positive long-term impact on the welfare of the planters.
“The seeds will be part of the IP3K program initiated by the Regency of Sekadau. We hope this assistance serves as a foundation for the planters to improve their productivity and yields,” he stated, as reported by, citing on September 25, 2024.
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The IP3K program focuses on developing infrastructure, plantation, agriculture, and fisheries and is a key initiative of the regency. Aron emphasized the regional government’s commitment to ensuring the sustainability and success of this program.
“The Regency of Sekadau would do improvement in many regions where they need to confirm that IP3K program would be running well and delivering real advatnages for the people,” he said,
He hoped ISPO certification training would also increase the planters’ knowledge about sustainable palm oil practices for this would be significant to face the plantation challenges in the future.
“Hopefully, the training would deliver advantages and develop your insight, and knowledge about better and more sustainable plantation practices,” he said.
The training was joined by some planters’ groups and they would be committed to implement the environmental palm oil plantation practices and be as standards as the sustainability regulation. (P2)