Enhancing Traceability in the Food and Drink Industries: A Necessity for Safety and Accountability

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. Special

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – As per the Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap, the food and drink industries have been identified as a priority sector for digital transformation. This strategic move aims to enhance their global competitiveness by reducing reliance on imported materials and increasing their export potential.

Putu July Ardika, the General Director of Agroindustry at the Ministry of Industry, emphasized that Making Indonesia 4.0’s roadmap not only entails technological advancements but also places strong emphasis on developing human resources and promoting research and development within the industrial sectors. This holistic approach is geared towards fostering comprehensive growth and innovation in these industries.

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He thought, for all these years, food and drink industries played significant roles to Indonesia’s economy to grow. The proof is that in the first quarter of 2023, they contributed 38,61 percent to gross domestic product (GDP) in non-oil industries and 6,47 percent in GDP nationally.

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“Food and drink industries start to be on the track after they were hit in Covid-19 pandemic. In the first quarter of 2023, they increased 5,33% compared to the same period in 2022 that reached 3,75%,” Putu said at the Kick Off Pendampingan Industri 4.0 Sektor Industri Makanan dan Minuman, as in the official statement to Palmoilmagazine.com in Jakarta, Tuesday, (18/7/2023).

He told, digitalization would be positive for industrial sectors to escalate the exports, for instance, European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) would be running in the continent. It requires that the industries in Indonesia, such as, food and drink, would deliver evidences of certification and verification that their products did not derived from deforestation.

“Through digitalization we could implement traceability to our products to penetrade exports. We believe food and drink industries could do it well,” he said. Many milk industries in Indonesia have done digitalization, starting from the livestock, spots of collecting milk, until the industries.


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