PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Palm oil is a major contributor to Indonesia’s economic sectors, yet this commodity, originally from Africa, still faces numerous challenges. Indonesia is renowned for its abundant natural resources, including palm oil plantations, which significantly impact the nation’s economy and its people.
Prof. Budi Mulyanto, Chairman of the Palm Oil Study Center at IPB University (PUSDI Sawit IPB), noted that palm oil has immense potential for further development. However, Indonesia continues to grapple with complex issues related to food, energy, the environment, and employment in response to its growing population.
Prof. Mulyanto believes the government should leverage palm oil’s comparative advantages to improve citizens’ welfare. Nonetheless, the palm oil industry still faces significant challenges.
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“Such as, volatile economic politics, environment, and protectionism, agrarian affair issues that have something to do with tenant and land use,” Prof. Budi said to recently.
He also emphasized it would be significant for palm oil industries, the governments to immediately respond such challenges to sustainably confirm palm oil industrial development. (P2)