GCMA Highlights Impact of GHG Emissions and Sustainability in Palm Oil Production

Palm Oil Magazine
Albert Christian Nahas, Coordinator of GCMA’s GHG Information Subdivision, noted that air quality varies by location depending on local GHG emission levels. Photo by: Palm Oil Magazine

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – In addition to its role as the primary source for climate and weather information, the Geophysics, Climatology, and Meteorology Agency (GCMA) also reports on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which significantly impact temperature and air quality in various regions.

Albert Christian Nahas, Coordinator of GCMA’s GHG Information Subdivision, noted that air quality varies by location depending on local GHG emission levels. “Air temperature can shift due to GHG emissions,” he shared with Palmoilmagazine.com at a journalist workshop at GCMA’s headquarters on Monday, October 14, 2024.

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Albert further explained that converting forests to palm oil plantations significantly increases GHG emissions. This process involves multiple phases, from planting to processing, which contribute to pollution and elevated GHG levels. “Palm oil plantations contribute to pollution and increase GHG emissions,” he stated.

Also Read: Significant 118 Million Ton GHG Emission Reduction in Indonesia in 2022

To mitigate these effects, he recommended that planters adopt sustainable practices to balance GHG emissions. Utilizing waste to produce renewable energy, for instance, could make palm oil production more environmentally friendly.

Palm oil plantation business might always be accused as one biggest contributor in GHG emission that contributed to the climate damage in Indonesia. But by implementing some things, such as, processing the wastes to be renewable energy, it is hoped palm oil plantation productivity would remain high and minimize the negative impacts to the environment.

This reflected that it would be significant to get collaboration among the industries and other institutions, such as, GCMA, to deal with climate issue and would maintain the ecosystem balance for the greener future. (P1)

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