Embracing Opportunities: Putri’s Inspiring Journey in the Sustainable Palm Oil Union

Doc. Fortasbi/Secretary ICS Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Mandiri (APKSM), Putri.

Palmoilmagazine.com, PANGKALANBUN – Hailing from Bandung, Putri, a determined young woman, made a life-changing decision after graduating from senior high school. She chose to embark on a career at Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Mandiri (APKSM), a union based in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan Province, which proudly holds the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certificate.

Despite her initial hesitations due to her youth and recent graduation, Putri has been working at the union for the past two years. APKSM operates alongside numerous independent smallholders, fostering sustainable practices in the palm oil industry. Putri’s dedication and commitment have made her an invaluable asset to the union.

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Putri’s role in APKSM showcases her determination to overcome challenges and make a positive impact. Despite her initial reservations, she quickly proved her capabilities and willingness to contribute to the union’s mission. Through her hard work and determination, Putri has become an inspiration to both her colleagues and the smallholders she serves.

Read more : Empowering Women in Palm Oil Cooperatives

“As time goes, I am comfortable with what I do at the union for the work does not press me up and I have lots of experience,” the female with hijab said, as Palmoilmagazine.com quoted from the official page of Fortasbi, Monday (12/6/2023).

Putri thought female has the big chance to get what they want. APKSM where she is working at, also supports female in every activity.

Female equity, she continued, is the rights to get chance in working, such as, position, adjustable salary, no discrimination, or sexually abuse. Putri also emphasized that the female has rights to get holidays and/or special off-day when getting period, delivering child, and breast-feeding babies.

Though she works in palm oil industries where many men work at, Putri thought, the female involvement is significant. “There are 135 female smallholders registered. APKSM also prepares the program to make broom stick from palm oil and it is handled by female,” Putri said. (T2)

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