Improving Palm Oil Governance: The Ministry of Agriculture’s Approach Through Sawit Satu

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. The Ministry of Agriculture / General Director of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture, Andi Nur Alam Syah

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – General Director of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture, Andi Nur Alam Syah mentioned, his institution made an integrated system of procurement, monitoring, and distribution of palm oil seeds which is called Bank Benih Perkebunan (BABE-Bun).

The system focuses to support smallholders replanting program to get seeds procurement, minimize fake seed distribution, minimize opener palm oil seed business or there would be no monopoly, and get more organized seed distribution.

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“Directorate of Plantation thought, palm oil plantation development in South Kalimantan Province is good. The collaboration between stakeholders and provincial government is good. Innovation and palm oil plantation optimization with livestock business are good sample for other regions in Indonesia,” Andi said, as in the official statement to, Wednesday, (23/8/2023).

Also Read : General Directorate of Plantation’s Three Programs for Integrated Palm Oil Governance

Andi took every party to improve palm oil plantation governance sustainably, such as, through the government’s programs, such as, smallholders replanting program, human resource development, and infrastructures.

“Our togetherness and involvement would be the same commitment to escalate the smallholders’ plantation productivity and eventually would deliver the welfare for the smallholders (planters) as well,” Andi said.

He though, palm oil plantation development would have a concept, which is, ‘Sawit Satu’ to improve its governance and would be having one integrated system in special – basis. That is why it needs innovative and collaborative works. Now there have been 1.870 palm oil plantation companies registered into Sistem Informasi Perizinan Perkebunan (Siperibun). This would be the model in national scale to improve palm oil plantation governance.

Also Read : Andi Nur Alam Syah: Qualified Infrastructures Would Accelerate SRP

“In specific, the upstream sector can be used by other ministries/institutions both by Ministry of Environment and Forestry and also Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial/National Land Agency – to complete every challenge in every sector to support palm oil industries namely which has something to do with certainty of business in Indonesia,” Andi said.

Head of Plantation and Livestock Agency South Kalimantan Province, Suparmi did appreciated SRP and downstream program by Ministry of Agriculture. Until now, 70% or 62 palm oil plantation companies reported into Siperibun.

“The government would always do socialization per region both about SRP proposal in system 1 and 2. Related agencies would do the best to involve and take every party to get palm oil sector go forward in Indonesia and in 2025 it is hoped everything would be completed” he said. (T2)

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