Optimizing and Accelerating the Rejuvenation of Smallholder Palm Oil, Referring to Government Regulations Not in Forest Areas

Palm Oil Magazine
Doc. InfoSAWIT/SPKS activities during the Best and Sustainable Cultivation Practices Training for Farmers in Siak, Riau, March 2024.

PALMOILMAGAZINE, BOGOR – The efforts to optimize and accelerate the Rejuvenation of Smallholder Palm Oil (PSR) have received support from stakeholders in the palm oil industry, including the government. This was revealed during a discussion with the Smallholder Palm Oil Farmers Union (SPKS) in Bogor at the end of January 2025.

The Chairman of SPKS, Sabarudin, explained the efforts of SPKS members in implementing best and sustainable cultivation practices as part of the PSR initiative. Despite facing numerous challenges, SPKS continues to collaborate with all parties to enhance their harvest productivity.

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“SPKS is focused on working to support the PSR program initiated by the government,” Sabarudin stated in a statement to PalmOilMagazine.com at the end of January 2025.

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The acceleration of PSR was also discussed by the Chairman of the Cultivation Group, Togu Rudianto Saragih, from the Directorate General of Plantations at the Ministry of Agriculture, who explained the technical regulations for independent palm oil farmers participating in the PSR program. According to him, independent palm oil farmers must have clear legal status and must not manage palm oil plantations within forest areas.

“The acceleration of PSR must adhere to applicable government regulations, such as legal status and not cultivating palm oil in forest areas,” Togu explained.

The legal and legal issues faced by independent palm oil farmers also received attention from Brigadier General Ratno Kuncoro, Director of the Economic Intelligence Agency of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI), who explained the police’s efforts to assist independent palm oil farmers in improving their harvest productivity.

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“Baintelkam POLRI will collaborate with all parties to help resolve legal issues faced by independent palm oil farmers,” Brigadier General Ratno Kuncoro stated via Zoom.

In addition to classic legal issues, the difficulties in obtaining superior seeds for independent palm oil farmers also received support from Andi W. Setianto, the Director of ASD Bakrie, who explained the support for farmers to implement PSR.

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