City of Subulussalam Formulated Regional Action Plans, Commit to Realize Sustainable Palm Oil

Dok. Palmoilmagazine, SUBULUSSALAM – City of Subulussalam through Agriculture, Plantation, and Fishery Agency was formulating to implement the document of Regional Action Plan Sustainable Palm Oil or Rencana Aksi Daerah Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAD KSB), Monday (5/6/2023) at the hall of Regional Development Plan Agency.

The program was also supported by development partners of City of Subulussalam – Earthworm Foundation (EF), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). Pusat Riset Sawit dan Kelapa Universitas Syiah Kuala (PRSK USK) would be involved too.

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After having kick off – meeting in May 2023, Agriculture, Plantation, and Fishery Agency City of Subulussalam did focus group discussion (FGD) to arrange and implement RAD KSB.

It was attended by every working group that was established by involving related agencies, representatives of producer companies (plantation and mill), representatives of buyers, representatives of smallholders, non-government organization, and others.

Head of Agriculture, Plantation, and Fishery Agency District of Subulussalam, Rosihan Indra said that his side commit to realize sustainable palm oil governance in the region.

“This is our commitment to realize sustainable palm oil governance by having coordination, synergy, communication among regional institutions and related parties,” Rosihan Indra said in the speech as Secretary of Formulation Team RAD KSB City of Subulussalam.

He also mentioned, it is difficult for the government to urgently succeed and arrange the formulation of RAD KSB if it is lonely formulated. That is why his agency asked every party to succeed the goal.

The representative of Earthworm Foundation, Kasrai said, the meeting was about to get inventory data and information about strategic issues, prior programs to formulate an action plan.

“We would like to get data and information inventory about strategic prior issues to formulate action plan,” he said.

Tisna Nanto, the representative of WCS in the speech emphasized that WCS really supports and would contribute in person to realize the commitment to escalate sustainable palm oil governance.

“Through the collaboration, of course, we are committed to sustainably escalate palm oil governance significantly,” Nanto said. (*)

By: Nukman Suryadi Angkat

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