PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – During the “Diskusi Nasional Sawit Berkelanjutan” event held in Jakarta, which was attended by on Monday (31/7/2023), members of Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS) announced the formation of the Aliansi Petani Sawit Swadaya Bersertifikat Berkelanjutan Indonesia (APSBI).
Represented by Mardoli from Koperasi Petani Tembusai Sejahtera, independent smallholders who have obtained Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certifications presented five key points to establish APSBI. The first point aims to collaborate with the government to expedite the ISPO certification process for every smallholder in Indonesia.
The second is to improve palm oil plantation governance in Indonesia to get sustainable and welfare smallholders. The third is to develop collaboration with many parties to accelerate ISPO. The fourth is to promote smallholders’ sustainable practices in national and international scale, and the fifth, to be the strategic partner of Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency and ISPO Committee.
Also Read : Smallholders Supports the Government to Establish Taskforce for Escalating Palm Oil Industrial Governance
In the same occasion, Director of Plantation Production Marketing and Process, General Directorate of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture, Prayudi Syamsuri encouraged independent smallholders to get ISPO certificate because palm oil markets would have terms and conditions of certificate to be traded in the globe.
“If the smallholders do not immediately get ISPO certification process, you would lose because it would be the instrument to discount smallholders’ plantation production,” he said as a speaker in the discussion. (T2)