BMKG: Only 10 Percent Rainfall, The Majority in the Midst of a Hot Season

Palm OIl Magazine
Doc. Sawit Fest 2021 / Habib Twindy Lubis

PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Climate analysis Geophysics, Climatology, and Meteorology Agency (GCMA / BMKG), Kukuh Prasetyaningtyas said, only 10 (ten) percent of many regions in Indonesia where the rain falls.

GCMA analyzed that El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the II basic – September 2023 would show ENSO index that reaches (+1.65), while Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) would be (+1.26). The moderate El Nino and positive IOD could happen until the late of 2023.

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Wind mass flow in Indonesia is dominantly eastern wind and wind pattern in II basic – September would be relatively showing lower pressure system that it was usual. It is predicted wind mass flow would be dominated by eastern wind with more increasing speed.

Kukuh thought, the regions where rain falls down are Aceh, North Sumatera, some in Riau, some in West Sumatera, Bengkulu, few in West Kalimantan, few in North Kalimantan, eastern Central Sulawesi, few in Maluku, and some in West Papua.

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During the period of III basic – September to II basic – October 2023, GCMA forecasted that rain would be in lower to medium criteria (0 – 75 millimeters per basic). The regions predicted where rain would fall down are in low category, which means, it less than 50 millimeters per basic. It would be in some regions in Sumatera from the central to southern, Java until Nusa Tenggara Timur, some in Kalimantan, some in Sulawesi and Maluku, some in West Papua, northern Papua, and South Papua in the III basic – September 2023.

As quoted from Antara, the I basic in October 2023, the regions where rain potentially falls down in low intensity would be central and southern Sumatera, Java to Nusa Tenggara Timur, some in Kalimantan, some in Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, few in  West Papua, few in Papua, few in Papua Pegunungan, and South Papua.

The II basic – October 2023, the regions where rain would fall in low intensity would be in central and southern Sumatera, Java to Nusa Tenggara Timur, central to eastern Kalimantan, some in Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, few in West Papua, few in Papua, few in Papua Pegunungan, and South Papua. (T2)

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