PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk (ANJ) has once again received recognition at the IDX Channel Award, Anugerah Inovasi Indonesia (ICAII) 2023, for its Electronic Traceability Information System (eTIS) implemented through its subsidiary, PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Agri (ANJA).
The award was presented to a representative from the ANJ Group, Mr. Harsono Sutikno, on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at the Mainhall Bursa Efek Indonesia in South Jakarta.
In 2021, the ANJ Group embarked on a global digital transformation initiative by introducing eTIS. This innovative system enables the recording and real-time tracking of data, streamlining the supply of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) from third-party sources to the ANJ Group.
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It facilitates data collection, reporting, and problem-solving for various traceability issues, such as FFB scale data and delivery orders, in a more efficient manner while also reducing the reliance on paper-based processes.
“ANJ Group emphasized to take for advantage digital transformation that connects operation and workers in many regions in Indonesia. we develop eTIS as part of our digital transformation,” Group Head ICT and GIS ANJ, Harsono Sutikno said, as in the official statement to recently.
More than 4.000 smallholders took for advantage eTIS in their FFB delivery. We also hope that eTIS would help (our) suppliers to get update price information in real time through dashboard. In the internal company, it would get information about source of FFB location from the supplier and traceability would be faster to know.
ICAII itself is the award handed over by IDX Channel to appreciate what many companies successfully innovated and delivered positive impacts for the company and economy in Indonesia. This year the theme of ICAII was “Advancing Agile Innovation for Sustainable Growth” that emphasized the significance of innovation to encourage sustainable progress.
Chairman of 2023 Board of Jury, Wahyu T Setyobudi said that this time ICAII delivered assessment more to the adaptive companies that got their business decision in this economic situation. (T2)