CWE Polytechnic Celebrates Graduates and Their Impressive Achievements

palm ol magazine
Doc. CWE

PALMOILMAGAZINE, BEKASI – A sense of happiness and joy filled the Imperial Astons Hotel’s ballroom in Bekasi as Politeknik Kelapa Sawit Citra Widya Edukasi (Poltek CWE) celebrated the graduation of 165 students from the first (I) year of the applied bachelor’s program and the XV Diploma (Ahli Madya) program for the academic year 2022/2023. This momentous occasion took place on Sunday, October 8, 2023.

St. Nugroho Kristono, the Director of Poltek CWE, announced that the graduates comprised 45 students majoring in Plantation Crop Production Technology (PCPT) or Teknologi Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan, 39 in Palm Oil Plantation Cultivation (POPC) or Budidaya Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit, 38 in Plantation Product Processing Technology (PPPT) or Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Perkebunan, and 43 in Logistic Management.

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“This year would be very special for us because the first generation of D4 Plantation Crop Production Technology graduated,” St. Nugroho Kristono said, as in the official statement to, Monday (16/10/2023).

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He also told that Poltek CWE handed over the graduates with competency certificates in Plantation Assistant for D4 (PCPT) and D3 POPC, assistant competency for D3 PPPT, competency for procurement/inventory/warehouse/production management for D3 Logistic Management.

“In realizing competency certification, Poltek CWE was in cooperation with Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Perkebunan dan Holtikultura Indonesia (LSP PHI) and Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Teknik dan Manajemen Indsutri (LSP TMI). The two are professional certificate institutions that Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) acknowledged,” Nugroho said.

In fact, the former students of Poltek CWE were good not only at academy but also in extracurricular. Dance team from Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Bengkel Seni got the second rank in Perlombaan Kreasi Seni Tari Tradisional Kegiatan Gebyar LLDikti 4.

Yohana Damenta Silalahi from Logistic Management got first rank in Lomba Cover Lagu Tingkat Nasional Politeknik Tonggak Equator Kalimantan Barat. In sport, Dilla Sapira (from POPC 2022) and Rizky Dwi Mustika (from PPPT 2022) got the second rank of Double Female Badminton at Sahabat Politeknik FKPMPI Jakarta Raya-Banten.

Futsal team of Poltek CWE got the second rank in Turnamen Futsal. Wahyu Hafist Alyasin (from POPC 2022) was crowned at the best player of HIPEMARI CUP. Not only that, the students of Poltek CWE showed their skills in self-defense. Renhard Kevin Damanik (from POPC 2020) got the second rank at Pencak Silat Bekasi Open Challenge 7 National Level, and Faidi Yuanda (from PCPT) got the third rank at Kejuaraan Pencak Silat PSHT Cup II District of Bekasi.

It is clear that Poltek CWE delivers not only education for the students in academy but also guides them to be tough individuals and ready to face the real challenges in the world.

“The graduation day would not be the end of their journey but be the new chapter for their lives to get other achievement and contribute positively for the people and the future (palm oil) industries,” Nugroho said. (T2)

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